Comprehensive Waterproofing Solutions for Stone Foundations

We take pride in offering a full range of waterproofing services designed specifically for fieldstone foundations. Our approach of using Old school methods to repair and waterproof stone foundations to deliver long-lasting results.

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We provide complete foundation waterproofing services to protect your home from the ground up. This includes repointing mortar joints, sealing voids, and applying our proprietary lime-based waterproof coating, which is specifically formulated for fieldstone foundations.

Moisture Management

Water seepage into your basement can lead to damp conditions, poor air quality, and even structural damage. Our team addresses these issues by waterproofing key areas of your stone walls to ensure your basement stays dry and functional.

Why Choose Lime-Based Waterproofing?

  • Durability: Protects against moisture for decades without cracking or peeling.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with the original lime mortar used in stone foundations.
  • Eco-Friendly: Made from natural materials that are safe for your home and the environment.
  • Breathable: Allows your foundation to release trapped moisture, reducing the risk of damage over time.

The method of using Lime for Masonry waterproofing has been around for hundreds of years. Now that’s a true test of time.

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Avoiding Common
Waterproofing Mistakes

Not all waterproofing methods are created equal. Many contractors use products like hydraulic cement or DRYLOK that may seem effective initially but often fail in the long run. These materials can trap moisture within your foundation, leading to cracks and deterioration. Causing mold to grow which can be harmful for you and your family.

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Water Proofing Mistakes

Why Excavation is Unnecessary

Another common misconception is that exterior excavation is required to waterproof a stone foundation. In fact, digging around the outside of your foundation can destabilize the structure and cause costly damage. As experienced stone masons in Boston, MA, we know that proper waterproofing can and should be done from the interior using the right techniques and materials.

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